Willard Bay Brevet Questions & Answers

I have received a few e-mails regarding this weekends events. Here’s the scoop:

On that day and location there will be two events that depart at 9 a.m.:
1. A 200K (125 mile) brevet. Pre-registration is appreciated and will save you $5.00.
2. A shorter BCC ride(s), which I believe is about 90 miles and possibly a 60 or 70 mile option. Pre-registration for this event is not required.
I only manage the brevets. Don Williams with BCC coordinates the many other BCC “rides.”
Last year there was about 40+ riders doing the shorter ride. They stop every 25 or 30 miles at convenience stores to top off supplies. At the turn-around spot they may spend a little more time hanging out (proceed to the back of the Flying J).
At this point we have 12 signed up for the brevet. If you choose the brevet and wish to get “credit” and a posting on the SLR site, you MUST make mandatory stops at a few of the convenience stores and get a receipt (same stores as the 90-mile guys will stop, except we go further past their final stop to get the needed miles). The receipts prove that you didn’t short cut the route and actually made it to the ending turnaround spot. Because of that requirement, brevet riders (called randonneurs) can tend to take a little longer.
The registration link is on this page. $5.00 using VISA, MC, Discover or PayPal or $10 “at the door.”
Further details on the route and where to meet are found here.
Richard Stum, Regional Brevet Administrator


~ I will be out of the office most of the day Friday (in Provo) and consequently cannot respond to e-mail in a timely fashion, if at all. I will check for last minute registrations Friday night however.

~ There are no restrooms at the start, so those of you traveling from outside the area, consider “taking care of business” at a c-store beforehand. I will park on the far (east) side of the school parking lot. As posted on the main page for this event, I will have plenty of powdered Perpeteum & ZipLocs for those that want to pre-mix or pack some along. Allow time before the start time to sort out such food details.

~ Since I will be riding with the group, I cannot stick around for late arrivals. If that happens, I will leave your brevet cards on the windshield of my vehicle (look for the beat-up green 4Runner with the “Randonneurs USA” magnet on the side).

~ I will leave a window slightly open, so those that beat me home, at the end of the ride, can leave me their SIGNED brevet cards, along with the receipts.