As we close out another year, I wanted to recognize Dan Tuchyner of South Weber. He achieved two notable awards this past randonneuring season—
In August, he finished his first R-12. He completed at least one 200km brevet or permanent each month of the preceding year. I wonder how many cases of frostbite it “got” doing this.
And then this past month (December) he also completed the 5000km RUSA distance award. That was no easy feat, considering his longest ride was a 300k. In December he had some catching up to do, and ending up doing several 100k populaires to get his final mileage in. I rode a 200k with him on December 1 and was unable to match his strong pace as he hammered the rollers on the west side of Utah Lake that day. What a great season he had!
Cheers to Dan and we look forward to seeing him more this upcoming year.