2021 (March) Update: We are now open again with the following recommended precautions in play (exceptions would be regarding members of your own household):
- Avoid carpooling
- Don’t share hotel rooms (as is commonly done on these rides)
- Ride in small groups or solo (not a problem since we rarely get more than six or 10 total)
- Minimize food/water stops that require services and wear a mask while inside buildings
- We WILL require you to sign a community one-page release (waiver) form. Our course, hand sanitizer will be on hand. If you would rather not do this, you may print release form at home and bring along, handing it off to the trail boss.
- Proof of passage: EPP (electronic proof of passage) will be permitted instead of using brevet cards which, in the past, required a store clerk signature or receipt. EPP needs to uploaded on a public site like Strava. If you don’t have a GPS or typically don’t upload to so such a site, then you can take pictures at relevant checkpoints (and text them to the RBA later) or simply ride with another person that has a GPS, who can vouch for your “proof of passage.” If you don’t care about getting RUSA credit, then so be it…all of these is irrelevant, just come and join us (but you may be listed on our public results page as a DNF or an unofficial finish).
Original post from March of 2020: Our 2020 schedule has been posted, but due to COVID-19, much of our “official” 2020 season has been sidelined by RUSA (our national organization) at least through May and possibly June or July. A small group of us have been doing official brevet routes, but without them counting toward any awards. If you are interesting in joining us, I recommend you join our Google email group or our GroupMe texting group to receive updates.